How to Choose the Right Board Member for Your Organization

A strong board of directors is crucial to a well-run organization or non-profit. A member of the board must bring a broad range of knowledge, skills, and knowledge to the table in order to make strategic decisions and plan. They should be able communicate effectively, remain in contact with one another between meetings and be proactive when it comes down to fundraising and networking.

Consider a range of independent candidates who are familiar with your industry, and who are in alignment with your mission and vision. They might include trusted mentors, such as attorneys, CPAs and fellow entrepreneurs. It is also helpful to have board members with prior experience on the board.

During the vetting process, be sure that the applicant is genuinely interested and able to commit browse this site to being an active board member. It’s a huge commitment and it might not be the right match for everyone.

You should also know what other commitments they have in their lives and be realistic about how much time they will be able to devote to the board. It’s not productive to have boards that are too busy or under-performing.

It is better to have an even number of board members instead of a disproportional one, to prevent ties. It is essential to have sufficient board members to guarantee that there is quorum, but also to be able to get sound advice without being overwhelmed by the number of voices.